Comedian Rick Green addresses 'quirky minds' at MCLD event

by Wendy Singer
You may know Rick Green as a Canadian comedian, writer, director and producer. He is most recognized for his work on The Red Green Show, which began airing in the 1980s and stars Canadian comedian and actor Patrick McKenna. Green and McKenna came back into the limelight in 2008 with the production of ADD and Loving It?!, a documentary that reflects on McKenna’s life with ADHD pre- and post-diagnosis. Both comedians were diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood.
On October 19, Green presented “Making the most of a quirky mind” to the Montreal Centre for Learning Disabilities via videoconference. In his funny and poignant presentation, he spoke about how his ADHD diagnosis has helped him to understand, accept and embrace who he is. He provided multiple tips, like breaking down tasks into small chunks, making lists and setting a timer to stay on schedule. Green used his sense of humour throughout his presentation, making this a most fun and engaging experience.
Attendees with ADHD commented that the movie changed their lives as it enhanced their families’ understanding of them, that they identified with Green’s experience, and others left with a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of having ADHD.
ADD and Loving It?! And many other videos can be viewed on Green’s website: