Student Security
STUDENT SECURITY: We welcome parents’ presence in our school. However, we ask that you bear in mind the guidelines we’ve set to ensure your child’s security. I ask that you take note of them and provide us with your complete cooperation. Ø All doors to school building will be locked at all times when the students are in the building. If you visit the school you must enter by the front door only and report to the office. This will ensure that unknown adults are not present in the building. Ø Afternoon dismissal: for your child’s safety, we ask that you do your utmost not to modify his/her daily dismissal procedure (bus, daycare, pick up, etc.). However, should you need to make changes on a particular day, we ask that you send a signed note to the teacher on the morning of the day. This will allow all concerned the time to ensure that the change will be made and that all persons are informed of the information. Ø Drop-off and Pick-up: Parents who pick up their children must do so from Maurice Duplessis. Students will not be dismissed from any other door. If you wish to speak with the teacher, please make an appointment to ensure that you have the time you need to discuss your child. Ø There is no supervision of students before 7:45 a.m. We cannot accept responsibility for students who are dropped off prior to that time. Ø Unless notified of an emergency situation by parents, children who are not picked up on time by their parents will be diverted to Day Care. Parents will be charged the fee of $11.00 to have their children properly supervised for that day. Ø We are extremely committed to measures that ensure the safety of all our students. It is unacceptable to have children on the premises not being supervised at all times. Your cooperation is a vital ingredient to the success of our endeavors in this respect. Ø Please be reminded that you are not permitted to drive into the parking lot as of 7:45a.m. Ø Please inform the school of absences or lates. Leave a message if necessary. Children who take city buses, in particular, need to be accounted for as soon as possible. Attendance and punctuality of students must be a priority for all of us.